Parsha Talk -Korach 5781 with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Jeremy Kalmanofsky and Barry Chesler
Parashat Korach [Numbers 16-18], featured on this week’s Parashah Talk, is primarily concerned with Korach’s rebellion. As Jacob Milgrom observes in his JPS Torah Commentary on Numbers, the Torah story combines elements of 4 discrete rebellions. I would like to say that we discussed these rebellions in full, but technical difficulties prevented me from participating as much as I would have liked. For stretches of the recording, my colleagues were frozen on my screen, and I was unable to hear them. Such is life in the 21st century! I hope my comments in this portion of the recording were to the point, but I am certain that Eliot and Jeremy had much to say even without me! Shabbat Shalom!!
Image: The Punishment of Korah (detail from the fresco Punishment of the Rebels by Sandro Botticelli (1480–1482) in the Sistine Chapel) – Wikipedia