Parsha Talk Yitro 5783 2023
Parsha Talk, with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. Parashat Yitro [Exodus 18-20] is the fifth weekly reading of the Book of Exodus. It features the dramatic revelation at Mt. Sinai and the text of the Ten Commandments. Chapter 18, however, has to do with the organization of the judiciary suggested by Yitro, priest of Midian, whom the chapter identifies no less than 13 times as the father-in-law of Moses. In fact, most of the people, whether individuals or nation, are identified in Chapter 18 in relation to Moses. This provides the beginning of our conversation, in which we discuss Yitro himself, and how we might understand his role in Israel’s history, and the Ten Commandments, always a fascinating text. Give a listen and let us know what you think! Shabbat Shalom!!