Parsha Talk Vayehi 2025 5785

Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky

Parashat Va-yehi [Genesis 40:28–50:26] is the twelfth and concluding parashah of Sefer B’reshit [The Book of Genesis]. Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s two sons born in Egypt while Jacob was still in Canaan, are blessed by their grandfather, with Jacob reversing his hands so that the younger Ephraim receives the primary blessing. Jacob “blesses” his sons, though not all the sons will probably feel themselves blessed by the words Jacob addresses to them. Jacob dies and, at his request, he actually makes Joseph swear to it, he is buried in the ancestral resting place, the Cave of Machpelah; and, Joseph dies and is embalmed and placed in a coffin, but not before adjuring his brothers to take his bones up from Egypt when God takes notice of them.
Most of our conversation explored the oath Jacob makes Joseph take to bury Jacob in Canaan. Joseph asks Pharaoh if he can go perform this act of filial piety, and Pharaoh allows him. We delve into the various details of this scene: why does Jacob insist that he not be buried in Egypt? why make Joseph take an oath? what does it tell us about Pharaoh? We also talk a bit about the difference with Joseph when no one will ask Pharaoh if Joseph’s remains can be taken up to Canaan and he is left with the promise for his bones to one day be returned to Canaan. Finally, what kind of book is Genesis? Does it end with bleakness or with hope? It is customary to conclude the Torah reading when we finish a book of the Torah in the synagogue with the words חזק חזק ונתחזק [hazak, hazak, ve-nit’hazek, be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened].
We continue to be mindful of the hostages, may they be returned speedily to their families, and the soldiers serving in the Israel Defense Forces, may they be removed from harm’s way. Shabbat Shalom.