Chovevei Radio – חובבי רדיו
The Steve Jacobson Memorial Amateur Radio Association Station N2SJ at camp Ramah is grateful to Rhona Susser for the generous donation of her late father’s Ham Radio station.
Marty Greenbaum, K2HTO, grew up in an era before the CB radio craze of the 1970’s and the later introduction of the Internet. His early desire to combine his love of electronics with an ability to communicate with others far beyond his Bronx neighborhood led to his involvement in ham radio.
Marty passed the FCC licensing exam in 1954 and purchased his first radio. This was the beginning of a lifelong hobby which became a unique part of his identity and inspiration to pursue an advanced degree at RCA Institutes. Over the years, Marty made contact with people all across the country and around the world and participated in innumerable radio contests, recording all of these exchanges in carefully maintained logbooks.

His treasured collection of QSL cards and American Radio Relay League DX Century Club, Worked All States (WAS) and Worked All Continents (WAC) awards were a testament to his achievements as a ham radio operator. Marty would light up when speaking to others about amateur radio and enjoyed sharing his opinion and expertise in articles he published in 73 Magazine. He encouraged others to join in the fun of amateur radio and promoted the use of ten meters.
Marty was also very proud of the role that ham radio operators played at times of natural disaster to coordinate relief efforts and during major events such as the NYC marathon to facilitate communication. In 1984, Marty was one of few people nationwide who bore direct witness to history when he contacted the space shuttle as it made an evening pass over the East Coast of the United States.
Marty’s passion for ham radio was only equaled by his devotion to his family who were in constant awe of his intelligence and technological skill. It gives us great pleasure to know that Marty’s legacy will live on in those of you who will learn about amateur radio and enjoy using his equipment.
“Amateur radio operators (hams) come from all walks of life. There are no boundaries of race, color, or creed. Common goals and interests unite hams spreading international goodwill via the airwaves.”
Martin Greenbaum, “It’s A Ham’s World”, 73 Magazine, October 1978.
The Steve Jacobson Memorial Amateur Radio Association
The Steve Jacobson Memorial Amateur Radio Association, Inc. is named for Steve Jacobson the father of two Ramah Berkshires alumni Rachel and Miriam. Steve was a warm, caring individual who loved his synagogue, his family, and children in general.
Steve was a lifelong ham radio operator and was operating the transmitters for WPIX WB 11 on the 110th floor of the world trade center on 9/11. Friends of his from synagogue formed this not for profit 501(c)3 organization and with the help of Steve’s wife Debbie successfully petitioned the FCC to grant us use of Steve’s personal call sign, N2SJ, for our amateur radio club station. The goals of this association is to promote amateur radio and sponsor educational programs related to the radio art. Members are all volunteers.

This project at Camp Ramah which includes shortwave as well as a camp broadcast station is the fruits of our labors. We want to think ICOM America, WPIX WB 11, the ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio and of course Ramah Berkshires for their generous support. We rely on the support of our sponsors to allow us to supply the equipment and educational materials needed to make this program a success.
Contact Steve Jacobson Memorial Amateur Radio Association: [email protected]