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Rabbi Eliot Malomet, Rabbi Barry Chesler and Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky

Parsha Talk-Hukkat 2016

Rabbis roundtable, hsted and produced by Rabbi Eliot Malomet, with Rabbis Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmonofsky.

Solelim Intensive Caper

Solelim Intensive Caper

Solelim’s intensive radio project: for 3 days the campers wrote a script for a radio story, recorded sound effects all around camp and recorded it in the studio. Listen to the result, edited by Yaniv Morozovsky and Sammy Sandler, Kol Ramah.

Camper 2017 Day

Podcast: Camper 2017 Day

The families and the future campers are visiting Camp Ramah in the Berkshires, and Kol Ramah is there to capture the moment.