Parsha Talk – Bemidbar With Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Jeremy Kalmonofsky and Barry Chesler
We are dedicating our Parasha Talk this week to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires Gesher 2020. We are so brokenhearted for you this week, after the official announcement that Kayitz 2020 will not be happening. We hoped, but deep down we knew that this was what had to be. Only comfort to you and your families. This is a big loss. The three oldest rabbis who probably taught you more than once as you were coming up through the Edot, are sending you our love and blessings. Cherish your memories, nourish your hopes and dreams. You’ll be back, and so will Ramah. Stronger than ever. So we take some time this week to discuss the themes of the midbar, the wilderness, the first Jewish camp, the camp of the Children of Israel in the desert, the Levites and so much more. Have a listen. Shabbat Shalom!