Parsha Talk Bereishit 5785 2024
Parsha Talk Bereishit – with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. After the holidays of Sh’mini Atzeret and Simhat Torah [Thursday and Friday, October 24 and 25], we begin the annual Torah reading cycle with parashat Bereshit [Genesis 1:1-6:8]. What kind of world has God created for us and what is our particular role in it as human beings. We spent a fair amount of time trying to unpack the Cain and Abel story, which I have long found one of the stranger stories in the Torah. What exactly is its Torah? What is it designed to teach us? Give a listen and let us know what you think!
As the war continues we remain mindful of the hostages, may they be speedily returned to their families, and the soldiers defending Israel as part of the Israeli Defense Force, may they be removed from harm’s way. As we conclude the holiday of Sukkot, may the sukkah of peace descend upon all troubled parts of the globe. Hag Sa’me’ah and Shabbat Shalom.