Parsha Talk Ekev 5784 2024

Welcome to Parsha Talk with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky.Parashat Eqev [Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25] is the third parashah in the Book of Deuteromony. Among its verses are the 7 species [8:8] which distinguish the Land of Israel, the verse [8:9] which is incorporated into the Grace after Meals and provides the halakhic [Jewish legal] basis for its recitation, and the 2nd paragraph of the Shema [11:13–21], with its theme of Reward and Punishment. Our conversation, as it often does, meanders from topic to topic. Among other things, we discussed the importance of the land and the differences between monotheism and paganism; we hope you enjoy it!
We continue to be mindful of the hostages and their families, and the men and women who defend Israel as soldiers in the Israel Defense Force. May the hostages be speedily returned to their loved ones; may the soldiers defending Israel be removed from harm’s way. Shabbat Shalom.