Parsha Talk – End Of Sukkot 5782; Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky
The High Holy Day season, which began with Rosh Chodesh Elul, the 1st of the Hebrew month of Elul [this year, August 9, 2021], comes to a triumphant climax this week with Shabbat Chol Ha-Mo’ed Sukkot, whose Torah reading features the 13 attributes [which we discussed in the Yom Kippur edition] and the reading of Sefer Qohelet [the Book of Ecclesiastes], Hoshanah Rabbah on Monday, Sh’mini Atzeret on Tuesday, and Simchat Torah on Wednesday. We cover each of these in turn as we wind up the Torah Reading cycle this year and look forward to beginning again on Simchat Torah with the first Creation story, and next Shabbat with the opening Torah portion of 5782! The three of us have had our lives enriched by coming together now nearly every week for the last year-and-a-half. We hope we have enriched your lives as well with our discussion of Torah! מועדים לשמחה is the customary greeting for this time of year. A joyous holiday season and a Good Year.