Parsha Talk Miketz 2020
Because the first day of Hanukkah was on Friday and we record Parashah Talk on Thursday, we have the 2nd Hanukkah edition of Parashah Talk for 5781. Parashat Miketz [Genesis 41:1-44:17] is the 2nd of the 3 parashiyot which focus on Joseph and his brothers. Joseph rises to 2nd in command to Pharaoh on the basis of his dream interpretation and suggested program for how to deal with the coming famine, he reencounters his brothers after 20+ years, and Benjamin is discovered to have the royal goblet. We focused on the character of Joseph, with some attention spent on the character of the butler, even comparing the butler to Haman (!). A discussion of the meaning of the names of Joseph’s two sons suggests a comparison between Joseph and Moses. Along the way we talk about the possibilities and difficulties of Jews in Exile [or the Diaspora, as we like to say nowadays]. Comments welcome at [email protected]. A Happy Hanukkah to one and all on this last night of Hanukkah! Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Jeremy Kalmonofsky and Barry Chesler.