Parsha Talk Rosh Hashannah 5781
As 5780 winds to a close and we begin to usher in 5781, I wanted to express my gratitude to my chaveirim, Rabbis Eliot Malomet and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. For the last 6 months we have met once a week on Zoom to reprise our camp radio show Parashah Talk. For me personally, the opportunity to connect to my good buddies in the non-camp season has been one of the decided pluses of covid19. While I often study Torah alone, Torah study is actually a team sport, and I am thankful that I am part of a team that continues to meet and talk Torah. I hope this augurs well for the coming year!
To all who observe, please accept my wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and a Shanah Tovah U-m’tukah, a good and sweet year. To everyone else, a great weekend! Rabbi Barry Chesler