Parsha Talk Tetzaveh Zakhor 5785 2025
Parashat T’tzavveh [Exodus 27:20-30:10] coincides with Shabbat Zakhor, the second of the four special shabbatot before Passover, each with its own maftir [Deuteronomy 25:17-19] and haftarah [1 Samuel 15:2-34]. The weekly Torah reading picks up where last week’s left off, continuing the discussion of the provisioning of the Tabernacle. In particular, we discussed the clothes of the high priest and what they might mean. In addition, we discussed the maftir, with its call to annihilate Amalek, together with the parallel text in Exodus 17:8-17, which describes the original battle [and is read on Purim morning]. How should we refer to our enemies, if at all. These are some of the topics which engaged.
We are ever mindful of the hostages, both dead and alive, and the need for their return to their families now, and of the soldiers who defend Israel as part of the Israel Defense Forces, may they be removed from harm’s way.
Shabbat Shalom.