Parsha Talk Tzav 2022 5782
Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. Parashat Tzav [Leviticus 6-8] divides, unevenly, into 2 sections. The first 2 chapters reprise the sacrifices discussed in last week’s parashah, but this time from the priest’s perspective. In this sense, it is a coda to last week. Chapter 8 is the first half of what Baruch Levine calls, in his JPS Torah Commentary on Leviticus, “The Initiation of Formal Worship”. Eliot has the timer when we record so I have no idea if our conversation so neatly mirrors the parashah’s division or has its own organizational scheme. We said what we wanted to say, though, and we hope you enjoy it! Shabbat Shalom, and for those listening before Thursday night, Purim Same’ach!!