Parsha Talk Vatetzei 2021 – International Edition
Parashah Talk, with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky has gone international! Eliot recorded the show in Ottawa, Ontario, where he is visiting his mother, while Jeremy and I were in our customary places in New York City and Long Island. Parashat Va-yetze [Genesis 28:10-32:3] has long been one of, if not my very favorite parashah. Not only was it my Bar Mitzvah parashah [1968] but also my wife, Carol’s [1974]. And since my Hebrew name is Ya-aqov, Jacob has always been one of my most favorite biblical characters.
Each week before we record we kick around ideas for about a half hour. Some of what we discuss in our initial conversation makes it into the recording in one form or another [I think every week one of us makes mention of our prior conversation]. And even though this happened again this week, I do not remember another recording that seemed so different from our initial conversation. We talked about the well, the character of Jacob and Lavan, the pathos of Leah, among other things. While we did not run out of things to talk about, we did run out of time. There is always next week! Shabbat Shalom!!