Parsha Talk Vayiqash 5784 2023
Parsha Talk with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. Parashat Va-yigash [Genesis 44:18–47:27] is the penultimate parashah of the Book of Genesis. It opens with Judah’s plea to Joseph to take him as captive instead of Benjamin. The events unfold quickly which lead to the reconciliation of the brothers, the descent of Jacob and his family into Egypt, a genealogy [interesting enough on its own, but which we leave for another time], the reunion of Jacob and Joseph, the meeting between Jacob and Pharaoh, and concluding with what Nahum Saran in his JPS Commentary, calls “Joseph’s Agrarian Policies”. We focused on what seems to us a few of the key verses of the parashah. As becomes abundantly clear, biblical stories are never quite how they appear to us even the last time we encountered them. We hope you enjoy our conversation!
Again this week, our thoughts and prayers are with the hostages, may they be returned to their homes safely, the soldiers fighting in defense of Israel, may they be removed from harm’s way, and all those affected by this war, both near and far. May the One Who brings peace in the heavens, bestow it upon us on earth as well. Shabbat Shalom.