Parsha Talk – Chayei Sarah 5781
The longest chapter of Genesis, 24 [67 verses], features the story of Avraham’s servant securing Rebecca as a wife for Isaac. There is a lot to talk about!
The longest chapter of Genesis, 24 [67 verses], features the story of Avraham’s servant securing Rebecca as a wife for Isaac. There is a lot to talk about!
Our popular weekly rabbinic roundtable podcast with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Rabbis roundtable discussion of the weekly Parsha-a Kol Ramah exclusive!
Hosted by Rabbi Eliot Malomet, a roundtable discussion of Parshat Matot-Masei with Rabbi Barry Chesler and Rabbi Jeremy Kalmonofsky. [soundcloud][/soundcloud]